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Bioethica ejournal

In March 2015 the former Hellenic Republic National Bioethics Commission issued the electronic journal "Bioethica", in order to fill an existing gap of debate and reflection forum exclusively for Bioethics, and already for Tecnoethics, in our country.

In July 2019 the Commission decided the hosting of the ejournal "Bioethica" in the infrastructure of the National Documentation Centre through its ePublishing services.

All previous issues of the ejournal are available here.


The Commission offers to students, mostly postgraduates, both from human and life sciences the Possibility of training on issues related to bioethics

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Educational Seminars

The Commission organizes educational seminars covering a wide range of bioethics issues

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Bioethics go to school

The Commission organizes educational activities for schools (Secondary Schools and High Schools) related to bioethics

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